When it comes to compassion in the workplace, some may cringe, as they believe that opening up and showing kindness or “friending” team members is a recipe for disaster and it’s best to keep work life and personal life separate.

But let’s face it- you spend 40+ hours a week with these people. Would a little compassion really be the worst thing?

Studies show that compassion in the workplace can actually have a great impact on your organization. Not only will your people feel better about themselves personally and professionally, but it can also lead to an increase in employee retention, employee engagement, people productivity, while decreasing stress levels and cultivating a team-oriented culture.

How to Show Compassion at Work:


In order to show compassion for others, you must first be able to show compassion for yourself. Start to focus on your own strengths over your weaknesses, forgive yourself for past mistakes, and create a list of your accomplishments for the day or week. Remember- positive thinking is contagious.

Compassionate Leadership

Leaders set the tone for an organization and great leaders inspire teams through kindness, empowerment, and support. Leaders with strong morals that listen to team members develop trusting relationships and a safe environment. A leadership team that embraces compassion will set an example for the rest of the organization.

Get to Know Team Members

Communicate with team members and take the time to get to know the people that you spend a great portion of your week with. Make it a goal of yours to learn one fact about each employee or go to lunch with a new person each week. Close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50% and those with a work BFF are seven times more likely to engage fully in their work.

Encouragement and Recognition

Offer praise and compliment team members for a job well done. Showing off your appreciation for a team member in front of other team members and leadership can help to build camaraderie. Teamwork is an essential ingredient to success.

 Well-Being Checks

Check in on those around you. Ask a team member how their day is going, or if you know more specifics about an individual, ask how their kids are doing. This helps to build relationships and create a sense of belonging, and when people feel like they belong at work, they’re 3.5 times more likely to contribute to their fullest potential.

Embracing compassion in the workplace can make a positive impact on your entire organization’s culture. Remember that no act of kindness goes unnoticed. 

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