According to a Gallup study, an alarming 85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work, costing U.S. organizations between $450-$550 billion in lost productivity each year.

A disengaged workforce is not a new issue in the workplace, but as Baby Boomers retire and Millennials assume greater positions and more responsibility, they are setting new expectations. A major part of these expectations is the emphasis on employee engagement and creating a people-focused culture.

A people-focused culture goes well beyond making sure the cabinets are stocked with snacks. It’s offering your people a workplace that encourages collaboration, inspires creativity, and promotes freedom and flexibility. It’s this big picture idea to care for your people so that your people can care for your clients.

Previous generations may not completely understand this “me generation” idea, but the helicopter parents’ children may be onto something that may not be as crazy as it seems. In fact, organizations with engaged employees improve productivity by 20-25%, have 18% higher customer retention rates, and a 26% greater annual increase in revenue.

Check out the infographic below for a few tips on how to curate a people-focused culture:

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